Teacher tutorials |
Individual Sync from App to Cloud | 13 min |
This is for teachers who will use the Cloud server stand-alone, rather than as a school system. It shows you how to get started with the Cloud if you're already using the App and have your data there. |
Using an iPhone or iPad | 4 min |
This shows how to activate your account and link your iPhone/iPad to your Cloud Server account. Once connected, see the other iPhone tutorials. |
First login (no App) | 2 min |
This shows how to activate your account, set a password and login for the first time using the web interface. |
Marking attendance | 13 min |
The focus is on attendance sheets, also covering keyboard, mouse and touch shortcuts. |
Cover | 1 min |
This shows how to cover the register for another teacher. This means finding, viewing and marking attendance for a session beloging to a different teacher. |
Part-time students | 3.5 min |
Repeating part-time hours or other codes across a whole term. |
Whole school reports | 3.5 min |
Viewing and analysing your attendance data for the whole school. |
End of year | 6 min |
Archiving. Creating new classes and timetable. Organising and deleting old data. |
Administrator tutorials |
Quick start | 4.5 min |
Logging in for the very first time, setting up basic structures and adding a set of teacher accounts. |
Central Student List | 5.5 min |
Adding students to the central student list. You either need to be an Administrator or a Power Teacher (both methods are shown). Includes matching House and Form names. |
Data ownership | 8.5 min |
Explains how data is structured in STEARsoft. The tutorial indicates how ownership helps define areas of responsibility and what this means when practically setting up the system. |
Set up teacher data | 2 min |
Shows how the administrator can log in as a teacher and create classes, import students and set a timetable for them. |
Setting permissions | 5 min |
Shows how the administrator can control access to STEARsoft using different user groups, specifying class access rights and controlling additional privileges. |
Set up term dates | 2.5 min |
Explains why only Power Teachers can do this (usually) and how they do it. |
Creating blank attendance sheets | 2 min |
Shows how to generate blank attendance sheets using term and timetable information. |
Shared classes | 5.5 min |
Shows how a class can be shared between two teachers with optional ability to view and change the other teacher's sessions. |
Migrating from App to Cloud | 24 min |
If you have existing attendance data on an iPad or iPhone that you wish to bring into the Cloud, this video explains how you can do this. |
Migrating from App to Cloud (shorter) | 6 min |
Just the process of the above tutorial (without the detailed explanation). |
Migrate one year to the next | 7 min |
Focussed on smaller schools where information is entered mannually. This goes through how the Administrator can set up all the new teacher registers for their staff at the beginning of a new school year. It covers adding new students, archiving old classes, updating timetables and generating new attendance sheets. |
Various, including details of data concepts | 33 min |
Starting from the very beginning, this is a much slower look at the administrator section. Ignore the 'Quick Start' references in the video; this is 33 minutes. The quick start is above. |
The top 6 tutorials are more recent and show how to get started with STEARsoft. The others are out of date, but most of the teacher day-to-day use is very similar, so they are still useful in part. They will gradually be updated or replaced. If you have any comments or suggestions, either on the tutorials below, or on what you'd like to see in future tutorials, please let us know via the suggestions page (Login to your account to do this).