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Send reminder of STEARsoft Customer ID and password.

If you have lost the original email with your Customer ID and Password, you can either enter your Customer ID in the box below or your registered email address. Your Customer ID is displayed in the main Administrator web page of the PC software, and at the bottom of some automated emails to you. An email will be sent to the email you originally registered with your login details.

Your Customer ID or email address:

STEARsoft Cloud Server accounts

If you have forgotten your teacher/administrator password (that you set for yourself using an account-activation-code) for a STEARsoft Cloud Server, you can ask another teacher to generate a new activation code for you. They should:

  1. Go to the Welcome screen of your STEARsoft Cloud Server.
  2. Click 'Activate account'.
  3. Click 'Request activation-code for another teacher'.
  4. Click the 'Request account-activation-code' link next to your username.
  5. Click the 'Confirm' button.
This process will send you a new activation-code by email. If done in error, just ignore the email and your existing password will still work. This process cannot be used to 'force' a password change (by stopping the current password working). If you wish to disable someone's password you should do this using the administrator login.

Note: The ability for teachers to reset a password is configurable in the Administrator 'Customise options' screen (it is recommended and enabled by default).